ACE Free Work

ACE Free Work gives dogs a choice and a voice.

Start your Free Work adventure today

ACE Free Work is an ongoing adventure where possibilities are endless” (Sarah Fisher)

Animal Centred Education (ACE)

"Animal Centred Education (ACE) is an integrated approach to animal education. It incorporates methods that were developed at Tilly Farm and techniques inspired by other professionals working in the world of animal education, and welfare". (Sarah Fisher)

What is ACE Free Work?

ACE Free Work is an important part of ACE. It's a simple, low impact activity that can be rewarding for our dogs. It has so many evolving layers which means there is always something new to discover.

It is appropriate for all dogs regardless of their age and background.  

ACE Free Work can help improve our awareness of our dogs needs and highlights areas where our dog might need that little bit of additional support.  
It combines observations of the dogs posture, movement and nervous system.

Free Work is a Sensory Experience

ACE Free Work combines a variety of sensory experiences, providing dogs with an enriching, low impact, and safe activity. It’s a perfect way to help dogs reset, rebalance and release. 

You don’t need much space or special equipment

One of the many great things about ACE Free Work is you do not need much space or any special equipment to get started. Free Work can be enjoyed in the smallest of spaces, in your home, in the garden and out on walks.

Applications of Free Work

ACE Free Work has so many wonderful applications, the list is most probably endless….

  • Gather observations and data about the dog.
  • Supports dogs who struggle with novel situations or find the outside world challenging. 
  • Provides a calming activity that builds confidence. 
  • Creates a reset after a stressful or arousing experience. 
  • Fosters beautiful relationships and connections. 
  • Creates a perfect foundation for learning important life skills. 

  • A safe way to introduce something your dog may be worried about. 
  • A great alternative to a daily walk.
  • Is portable so it can be taken out on walks
  • Supports dogs through the various life stages
  • Helps dogs who struggle with vehicle travel
  • and so much more .............                          

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Start your ACE Free Work journey today

Introduction to ACE Free Work

This course will introduce you and your canine companion to ACE Free Work. You will get everything you need to get started on your ACE Free Work adventure.

ACEing Trust & Connection

The relationship we share with our canine companions is truly unique and special. This course will give you everything you will need to start creating a deep conversation with your canine companion. 

ACEing Scent Adventures



ACE Free Work Workshops

Introduction to ACE Free Work Workshop

This 3 week workshop will introduce you and your canine companion to ACE Free Work. You will get everything you need to get started on your Free Work adventure.

Introduction to ACE for Reactivity Workshop

This 4 week workshop explores how to use ACE Free Work and integrated techniques and games to help your reactive and sensitive dog.

ACEing Essentials

In this 4 week workshop you will learn how you can use ACE Free Work as a foundation for teaching your dog essential life skills.

ACE Free Work Live

Live ACE Free Work workshop and bonus Q&A session.

Sonia Catherall

  • ACE Associate Tutor 
  • Your End of The Lead Approved Coach   
  • Certified Control Unleashed Instructor   
  • City & Guilds Scentwork Instructor   
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator 
  • Certified Canine Behaviourist
  • IABTC Clicker Trainer & Pet Dog Trainer 
  • Dog Aggression For Professionals With Amber Batson
  • Canine Enrichment Technician
  • Aggression in Dogs Course by Michael Shikashio 
  • International Dog Parkour Association Instructor  
  • Canine Nutrition and Health Accredited Certificate  
  • DMWYD Certified Trick Dog Instructor 
  • Level 6 Canine Behavioural Management with Dogenius Institute